When was the last time you found soapy buildup on your sink or showerhead?

Have you noticed a difference in your skin or hair softness depending on whether you’re showering at home or somewhere else? Or that your shampoo foams up a lot more depending on the water you’re using?

These are all indications of hard water at play. Hard water is water with a high content of dissolved minerals, generally calcium and magnesium.

Your shampoo will foam up less with hard water because the soap reacts with the calcium, creating buildup over time. It takes more soap and more energy to properly clean things with hard water, whether it’s your hair, your dishes, or your laundry.

Heating hard water causes minerals to fall out of solution, continuing to form damaging buildup and cause all sorts of issues:

  • Cloudy dishes that look spotty and feel filmy
  • Lowered energy efficiency of electric water heaters
  • Higher cost to heat water
  • Clogged pipes due to calcium buildup
  • Shorter lifespan for your water-using appliances

Put Your Water to the Test

Public water systems require paying a water bill. This is because public water systems monitor and conduct tests, providing you with contaminant updates and annual reports.

For private systems or household wells, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of your water, so we recommend testing once a year. If you install a new well or have pipe repairs done, it’s an especially good idea to have a test completed. As local experts, our technicians can inform you of specific tests relative to the Minneapolis area for chemical or fuel spills near your water supply.

Top reasons for testing your water:

  • You or your family members are regularly becoming ill, seemingly out of nowhere.
  • There has been a change in the taste or smell of your water.
  • The color of your water is different than usual.
  • Your clothes, towels, and other items are becoming discolored.
  • You’ve moved or are bringing a baby into your household.

Improve Your Home Water Quality

Along with regular testing to ensure the safety of your drinking water, there are steps you can take to improve the quality for your family:

  • Water Softeners – extend the lifespan of your water-based appliances, enjoy better-tasting water, and a cleaner shower.
  • Water Purification – keep your water clean for everything you need – drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, and swimming.
  • Whole House Filters – rather than having a filter on only your kitchen faucet, make every faucet in your home contaminant-free.
  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) – send clean water through the faucet and mineral-filled water back down the drain.

The bottom line is, it’s always important to pay attention to your water and play it safe. Take the precautions necessary to avoid costly damages down the line and hire someone you trust to help.

For your water purification needs and questions, give us a call at or request an appointment.