Gas line issues should never be ignored. If your pipes crack, leaking gas can be extremely hazardous to your health. Also, slow appliances, high bills, and premature gas appliance replacements can all indicate gas line problems.

Always keep an eye out for these common signs of needed repair or replacement. If you’re experiencing any sudden symptoms of a gas leak, such as a rotten egg smell, dizziness, nausea, or fatigue, evacuate your home and call 911 before then reporting the leak to the natural gas leak hotline at 800-947-5000. Once your home is safe, a plumbing expert will be able to service your gas lines.

To keep your home safe from a potential gas leak, learn more about these common gas line problems in homes.

Signs You Need Gas Line Repair

The smell of a gas leak is the most obvious and dangerous sign of needed home gas line repair. But how do you know when your gas lines are in danger of leaking before it happens when most are buried underground?

There are a few signs you can watch out for, including:

  • Rotten egg smell. Natural gas doesn’t have a scent — companies add a rotten egg smell to help keep people safe in case of a leak. If you smell sulfur or rotten eggs, evacuate your home and contact an expert immediately to resolve the issue.
  • Hissing sounds. If your gas line has a slight crack or hole, the pressure of escaped gas will likely cause a hissing sound. If you identify this leak, turn off your gas line and call a plumber immediately.
  • Cracked appearance. Visible signs of cracking on the exposed gas lines in your home clearly indicate that repair is needed, as they can quickly lead to severe damage or leaks. Prevent a dangerous gas leak in your home by getting ahead of repairs as soon as you spot this sign.
  • High gas bills. Increasing gas bills could indicate leaking or damaged gas lines. Call your local plumber to inspect your lines and repair them as needed.
  • Dead plants. If the vegetation around your home is well-cared for but suddenly dying, a gas leak may be poisoning their roots.
  • Weak or poor-performing gas appliances. Your appliances need a steady supply of gas to function correctly. If you notice that all your gas appliances are on the fritz or no longer working efficiently, you may have a damaged gas line.

Signs You Need Gas Line Replacement

Most cracks or holes can be easily repaired if your gas lines are in fairly good condition. However, replacement may be the most feasible option as your gas lines age and are affected by external environmental damage.

Some signs of needed replacement include:

  • Old age. Gas pipelines are built to last — some even up to 50 years. But over time, natural wear and corrosion weaken the metal and create tiny cracks that can release gas. If you suspect your pipes are nearing their 20-30 year mark, having your local plumbing professional inspect them is best.
  • Outside of plumbing code. When purchasing an older home, have your gas lines inspected for signs of aging and make sure they meet updated plumbing code requirements.
  • Rust or corrosion. If your gas lines are not adequately protected against moisture, rust and corrosion can quickly spread, resulting in severe cracks and damage requiring replacement.
  • Visible kinks or damage. Because your gas lines are made of metal, severe damage or kinks are difficult to repair. Total replacement is often needed instead.
  • Remodeling or adding new appliances. Sometimes renovations require the installation of new gas lines, for example, to accommodate a new gas appliance.

Related Content: Does Your Plumbing Meet Building Code Standards?

When to Replace Rusted Natural Gas Lines

Rusted gas lines should always be addressed immediately. Because rust or corrosion on your gas lines will quickly spread, replacement is the best solution. This is because the metal has already begun to weaken.

How to Repair Gas Lines

Gas line repairs should always be handled by a licensed service professional. If you spot any of the signs of leaks or damage listed above, call a local plumber who provides gas line repair and replacement services.

If advised by your plumbing expert, turn off your gas line. Otherwise, avoid DIY repairs as gas leaks can be hazardous to your health, and further damage to your gas lines can result in costly repairs or dangerous conditions.

Are Gas Lines Covered by Home Insurance?

It depends. Most policies cover more severe damage and issues caused by an explosion or break in your gas line. However, if the problem has progressed over time, a replacement will unlikely be covered. Check with your insurance agent for an accurate assessment of what’s covered under your current policy.

Get Professional Repair for Damaged Gas Lines

Avoid dangerous gas leaks by scheduling gas line repair with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing. Our licensed professionals are available 24/7 to quickly and expertly address your issue. We’ll ensure your home is safe and provide the best possible solutions to fit your needs. Call 1-877-BEN-1776 now or book online.