Your quality of life depends on a fully functional plumbing system. From flushing the toilet to washing dishes and laundry, your daily routine rests on running water and the ability to safely contain that water when not in use. Problems that can cost you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in repair may fly under the radar for years because you don’t think about your plumbing as long as it seems to work properly.

A whole-home plumbing inspection is the best protection that you have against water leaks, low water pressure, and unnecessarily high water bills. Our professional technicians will walk you through every step of the process. From scheduling the inspection at your convenience to correcting any problems that may lead to expensive emergency repair bills if not handled quickly.

Professional Examination Indoors and Out

An inspection of your whole home includes thorough examination of the following elements of your indoor and outdoor plumbing systems:

  • Faucets
  • Drains
  • Hoses
  • Supply lines
  • Fixtures
  • Appliances
  • Pipe connections
  • Shut-off valves
  • Sewer lines
  • Filtration systems

All elements of your plumbing system are analyzed for incorrect installation, damage, loose parts, pressure, flow, and general functionality.

Trustworthy Report on Your Home

Once your whole-home plumbing inspection is complete, our technicians will provide a detailed analysis of your plumbing system. You will know about any parts that need to be replaced or issues like leaks that could put the integrity of your home at risk.

Fast Follow Up with Professional Plumbing Services

If your whole-house inspection uncovers problems that may lead to emergency repairs in the future, our technicians will help you select the best repair option. We understand that budgeting is a concern and we provide honest recommendations that protect your home and your pocketbook. We act quickly to deliver fast service, giving you peace of mind that your plumbing system is fully functional and safe.

To learn more about whole-home plumbing inspections and our other professional plumbing services in Birmingham and the surrounding area, call us at (205) 351-0706.