Allow us to introduce you to sewer jetting – a process that ensures the flow of wastewater from your home to the sewer system. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Raleigh is here to tell you about it.

Understanding Sewer Jetting

Jetting serves as a technique for cleansing sewer and drain lines, using high-pressure water to disintegrate and dislodge blockages. Sewer cable functions by puncturing through pipe obstructions, whether they are roots or fatty deposits. Sewer jetting, on the other hand, utilizes intense water pressure to effectively scour the inner surfaces of a pipe, resulting in the removal of nearly all accumulated debris.

Operational Mechanism for Sewer Jetting

Equipped with a gas-powered pump, our truck uses a high-pressure hose system. This hose expels water in both forward and backward directions as it advances through the pipeline. Once the drain line is successfully cleared, the water and debris find their way down the drain line into the sewer system. Opting to jet a sewer line through a designated "clean out" access point in the yard proves optimal for unclogging the sewer line, with all procedures conducted externally. This approach effectively prevents sewer water from getting into your home and crawlspace.

Expertise of Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Raleigh

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Raleigh has an in-depth understanding of this method. Utilizing advanced technology, we effectively clear the underground pipes without puncturing lines, risking further damage.

With methods like sewer jetting leading the way, you can rest assured your pipes will be back to flowing like new. All credit goes to our dedicated professionals. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Raleigh stands out through their strong commitment to the community and environment. We persistently strive for impeccably maintained local drain lines after each sewer jetting call.