If you have a swimming pool, you know that properly maintaining it requires a lot of water and energy that can become a large expense. But if you know some simple tricks, you can improve the efficiency of your pool and cut down on costs. Here are a few things you can try that will help you save swimming pool water and lower your water bill.

Use a Swimming Pool Cover

There are many benefits to using pool covers. They keep debris out of your pool and help retain heat overnight, but the most important advantage of using a swimming pool cover is that it reduces the rate of evaporation.

Lower Your Pool Heater’s Temperature

The warmer your pool water, the faster it will evaporate. By lowering the temperature of your pool’s heater, not only can you cut down on the energy needed to heat the water, but you’ll also slow the evaporation process.

Repair Leaks

It’s important to identify quickly if your pool is leaking, so you can prevent water loss and further damage. One way to tell if your pool has a leak is to follow this simple process:

  1. Place a 5-gallon bucket on the second step of your pool
  2. Fill it with enough water to meet the water level on the outside of the bucket
  3. Mark that water surface level with a marker
  4. Wait 24 hours and then check to see if the water level inside the bucket still matches the level on the outside

If the water level on the outside and inside of the bucket have both decreased, it likely indicates evaporation. If the water level on the outside of the bucket has gone below the amount that remains inside the bucket, you might have a leak.

Once you’ve identified a potential leak in your pool, try to find that leak and fix it as soon as you can. While there are ways you can make repairs yourself, it’s best to hire a professional to address leaks in your pool.

Maintain Your Swimming Pool Water

Properly treating and maintaining your pool water can greatly reduce the need to replace it. By monitoring the chemical balances of your pool water, you can prevent the growth of bacteria and other contaminates. Chlorine stabilizer is an especially important chemical because it ensures that your chlorine continues doing its job to keep your water clean.

Upgrade Your Water Filter

Similarly to monitoring your pool’s chemical levels for the sake of preserving water, an efficient water filter will keep your pool water clean, so you can replace it less frequently. Additionally, an inefficient filter can lead to avoidable evaporation.

Minimize Splashing

Of course, splashing around is what makes swimming pools fun, but any water that splashes out of the pool will evaporate, which can be a big waste. If you’re really focusing on reducing water waste, try limiting games that produce a lot of splashing.

Get the most out of your pool with the least expense. By cutting down on evaporation, wasted water from leaks and splashing, as well as preventing contamination, you can reduce the cost of maintaining your pool and spend more time enjoying it.