It's not unusual for homeowners to take their home's plumbing matters into their own hands from time to time. A leaky faucet, a clogged drain, a quick installation — these are all easy fixes and can be done in a matter of hours. However, it's not always that easy. Sometimes you need the help of a professional plumber if the project is outside of your skill set.

Take it from our knowledgeable Montgomery County plumbing contractors at Ben Franklin Levittown: you do not want to overestimate your skills and end up with a bigger plumbing disaster than you started with. Below, we've outlined when it's best to contact a professional plumber and when it's probably safe to do a plumbing project yourself.

DIY Plumbing

Faucet Installation
Replacing a faucet is a fairly simple procedure and for the most part, does not require the knowledge or skill of a plumbing professional. As long as you know how to turn the water supply off in your home, installing a new faucet should be very easy.

Clogged Toilet
As long as there isn't a foreign object in your drain causing the clog, the easiest fix to a clogged toilet is to break out the good ol' plunger and start plugging away!

Hiring a Professional

External Plumbing Repairs
When the plumbing issue lies outside of your home and in the ground, it's time to call a professional. It's never a good idea to start digging and messing around with major city pipe lines.

Water Heater Installation/Repairs
The process of installing or repairing a hot water heater is long and tedious and requires a great deal of plumbing knowledge to successfully complete. You may think you are saving money by doing this yourself, but one wrong move could spell disaster. Contact Ben Franklin Levittown today for all of your water heater installations and hot water heater repairs in Villanova and its surrounding areas.

The Ben Franklin Levittown team works around the clock to ensure our customers have high-quality, speedy plumbing services. If for any reason you are unsure if a plumbing project can be performed yourself, please do not hesitate to give us a call — day or night.