As we get closer and closer to the summer season, you start to get more and more excited about your upcoming summer vacation. Keep in mind, however, that's not the only thing you should be thinking about. While we want you to enjoy your vacation to the fullest no matter where you're going or what you'll be doing, we also ask that you not ignore your home completely.

Fortunately, here at Ben Franklin Levittown, we not only provide water treatment services in Montgomery County, PA, and other local areas, but we also came up with a checklist to help you prepare your home for the time when you'll be gone. This plumbing checklist is designed to help you prevent any disasters from happening while you're away. That way, you'll spend the vacation the way you ought to — with complete peace of mind!

What you should do before you leave:

Here are the tasks that you need to complete before you leave home for your vacation:

  • Check for any leaks – Although it's always a good idea to regularly check for any leaks in your home, it's especially important before you go away. You don't want to be wasting extra water for no reason. Because remember: Water is money. Save those dollars for treating yourself on vacation!
  • Turn up the temperature to prevent the air conditioner from running – Of course, you should only take the advice if it's hot outside. Or in other words, the heat won't be running if you turn up the temperature. This will prevent your electric bill from increasing too much while you're away.
  • Unplug your appliances – If you turn off your appliances but leave them plugged in, they'll still use energy. Before you leave, unplug your appliances to not only save money and energy but also to protect your home.

Once you complete those tasks, you're just about ready to enjoy your vacation. Now, all you need to do is pack your suitcase! If you'd like any other plumbing advice about what you need to do before going away, or if you'd like to learn about water softening systems in Bucks County, PA, and the surrounding areas, contact us at (215) 515-0918.