Summer has begun and so have summer plumbing concerns. Even in the summer residents need hot water heater repairs in Plymouth Meeting, and garbage disposals, washing machines, toilets, and sprinklers all get quite the workout when the warm weather hits, especially for families who are suddenly home together more often when school lets out. Neglecting certain areas of household plumbing could lead to disaster, but with simple precautions you can be sure your vacation and your pipes will run smoothly all summer long.

If you're planning on having a lot of cookouts this summer, be mindful of how much food waste you put in the garbage disposal in your sink. Large, hard pieces of fruits and vegetables can damage garbage disposal blades and cause clogging. Used cooking oil can cause damage as well, so it is best to find another area to dispose of it. Running cold water before and after using disposal systems can clear food particles and prevent damage, too.

When the kids are around and playing outside during the summer you're likely to have a lot more laundry to do than usual. Only run the machine when you're home so you can take care of any problems the over-stressed machine may have right away. Similar problems may arise in the bathroom. With more people around and using the room, toilets are more likely to get clogged. Use moderate amounts of toilet paper and keep a plunger close by. For emergency situations call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing in Levittown.

Make sure sprinkler heads are clean and in working order before turning them on for the season. Activating a sprinkler that has broken or clogged nozzles can cause further damage and is dangerous to anyone around.

Follow these simple steps for a summer of happy plumbing. Remember to call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing with any emergencies and have them perform any necessary water heater repairs in Montgomery County.