Dallas skyline

Unlike many other urban areas, Dallas doesn’t have easy access to water. The entirety of Dallas water comes from reservoirs. Even though these reservoirs are being treated properly, it’s still beneficial to equip your house with a water filtration system. This way, you can be sure you’re making the most out of Dallas water.

Did you know that the Dallas area is actually the largest metro nationwide that doesn’t have its own nearby navigable body of water? It makes you wonder… where does Dallas’s water come from? Not only that, but what’s in it? How does it get from wherever it’s from to your home? Is it safe? We’ll answer all of these questions – and more – in today’s post.

What’s in Dallas water?

The City of Dallas provides annual reports on the city’s water quality. You can read these reports to see exactly what has been found within Dallas water. The latest report covering 2018 has ranked the Dallas Water Utilities as a “superior” rated system. This is the highest ranking it can receive from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The latest report shares that there are incredibly low percentages of microbial and inorganic contaminants in Dallas water. No lead was present as well as no other similarly frightening contaminants. The latest report has also shared that Dallas water continues to contain no cryptosporidium, a natural parasite that can be a problem in natural water supplies.

All in all: things are looking good. That said, just because the reports are positive doesn’t mean that you should be too lax when it comes to your home’s drinking water. The reservoirs are being processed and treated properly, which is good. Sometimes, though, contaminants can get in during the process of transporting water from the reservoirs to your home. That’s why it’s critical to make sure that your home’s water filters are regularly changed out and working properly. Your shower, your faucets, and your fridge’s water dispenser all need to be regularly checked on.

Where does Dallas water come from?

The water in Dallas comes from reservoirs. None of the water that’s a part of Dallas’s public water supply is groundwater. This means none of it comes from wells; all of the water in Dallas comes from seven different sources: Elm Fork of the Trinity River, Lake Ray Hubbard, Lake Lewisville, Lake Grapevine, Lake Ray Roberts, Fork Lake, and Lake Tawakoni.

Is there anything I should worry about?

Not if you have a whole-home water filtration system. Even without one, Dallas water is fairly benign. That aside, a water filtration system in your home can’t hurt and will often make a positive difference. These systems process all the water that enters your home. They have mechanical sediment filters that will take out any debris that initial processing missed, like metals and sediment. They also soften water, removing things from water that can dry out hair and skin. There are no negatives when it comes to implementing better water filtration practices, only positives.

The water in Dallas is unique. If you need help taking care of the water running through your Texas home, call the team at Ben Franklin Plumbing. We can help you keep your fixtures, pipes, and appliances working their best.