If you’re looking at weekend home improvement projects to do, your bathroom is a good place to start. Most bathroom projects add a lot of value and quality of life while being easy enough for the average homeowner to complete in a weekend. You could simply upgrade your toilet and save hundreds of dollars every year.

A shiny new toilet isn’t the only option, either. Just when you think they’ve connected the last possible part of your home to the internet, you find out that they now have Smart toilets! While you may wonder if you need anything more than an extra phone charger in your bathroom, Smart toilets do have some advantages.

Is it Smart to Upgrade?

If your toilet was installed before 1994, you should upgrade to a low-flow toilet. Units made between 1980 and 1994 used about 3.5 gallons per flush. Older ones used as much as 7 gallons. New models use only 1.6 gallons.

If your toilet was installed after 1994, it may just be frustrating, since low-flow flushing technology was new and awkward. If you find yourself needing to flush more than once, you may want to upgrade your toilet and save your sanity.

How Upgrading Your Toilet Saves Money

Depending on the size of your household, toilets use up to 30 percent of your indoor water consumption, according to the EPA. That’s a significant amount of water. So, you’ll definitely save money on your water bill.

High-efficiency toilets are labeled by the EPA as “WaterSense” units, so you can easily find what you need to upgrade your toilet and save water.

You may also be eligible for a rebate from participating WaterSense manufacturers, saving you money on your initial purchase.

How much can I save?

If you’re wondering if it’s worth the investment, use the handy tool from the EPA’s online savings calculator.

Is a Smart Toilet a Smart Idea?

The Internet of Things has followed us into the restroom, but if you like high-tech home life, it may be right for you.

Smart toilets have a smaller profile and offer self-closing lids, nightlights, and bidet functions. These features help busy parents with small children and elderly homeowners with limited mobility.

They’re also self-cleaning, which is a brilliant idea whose time is long overdue.

When Upgrading is a No Brainer

In some circumstances, you have no choice but to upgrade your toilet. If the toilet is cracked and leaking, or the wax ring has failed, it’s time to replace the fixture.

Look for leaks around the bottom of the tank and around the base of the pedestal. You may even find water damage on the floor.

Upgrading your toilet to save money and water is a great idea but it may be too heavy a chore for some homeowners. Make an appointment today with one of our skilled plumbers in Nashville, TN. They can do the heavy lifting and make sure it’s done right.