Your water heater is one of the most important appliances in your home. It provides you with hot water for showers, laundry, dishes, and more. But, like all appliances, water heaters have a limited lifespan. Most water heaters will last for about 10-15 years before they need to be replaced. However, several warning signs indicate that your water heater is about to fail. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to call a plumber as soon as possible to have your water heater checked out. This article will inform you about what those warning signs are!

Discolored Water

One of the most common signs that your water heater is about to fail is the presence of discolored water. If you’re noticing the water in your sink or the water from the shower is a rusty color, it could be a sign that the water heater is wearing down.

The discoloration is caused by rust in the water heater tank. The rust is likely caused by the breakdown of the steel due to age. As the steel degrades, it starts to rust, which leads to red or orange specks in the water, this is a sure sign that it’s time to replace the water heater.

In addition to discolored water, you may also notice a metallic taste in the water. This can be another warning sign that the water heater is about to fail and should not be ignored.

Rumbling and Noise

Another sign that your water heater is failing is the presence of rumbling and noise. Rumbling and noise coming from your water heater are signs that something is wrong. It can be an indication that there are loose parts, sediment buildup, or an issue with the coils.

If you hear loud rumbling, banging and clanking noises, shut off the water heater immediately, and call a plumber. These noises can also indicate a build-up of sediment in the tank. As the sediment accumulates, it restricts the flow of water and causes the water heater to overheat or make rumbling or banging noises.

If left unchecked, the build-up of sediment can lead to complete tank failure. So, if you notice any rumbling or noises coming from your water heater, it’s important to have it looked at right away.


Leaks are one of the clearest signs that your water heater will soon fail. If the heating element in your water heater becomes weak, then it may not be able to handle the pressure of the hot water. This can cause water to start leaking from your tank, or you may see a puddle of water underneath your water heater.

In addition to the visible signs of water leakage, you may also notice changes in the pressure of your hot water. If you have higher than normal pressure when running your sink or shower, this could also be a sign of a leak in the water heater system.

If you do notice any leaks, then it’s important to shut off your water heater and contact a professional immediately. Ignoring a water heater leak can lead to severe and costly damage.

Lukewarm Water

One of the most common reasons a water heater may fail is due to lukewarm water. Lukewarm water typically indicates that the heating element in the tank is not working correctly. The heating element is responsible for keeping the water hot. If it fails, then you will be left with lukewarm water coming out of the tap.

If you find yourself experiencing lukewarm or cool water coming out of the tap, it’s a good idea to contact a professional to repair or replace the heating element in the tank. This can be done relatively quickly and should restore your hot water.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to inspect your water heater tank for any signs of rust or corrosion. If the exterior of the tank appears to be rusting, then it’s important to call a professional right away. Rust or corrosion can cause capillary leaks which lead to lukewarm water.


Whether you have a tankless water heater or a storage-tank water heater, it is important to pay attention to the signs above, as they can help you identify when you need to have your water heater serviced or replaced. Keeping up with regular maintenance can help to extend the life of your water heater, and also reduce your energy costs.

For water heater service, replacement, or repairs, don’t hesitate to call a professional! Call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing of Marietta today to keep your water heater running smoothly!