Your toilet clogging and then overflowing is one of the most dreaded plumbing disasters – but luckily, it’s also one of the most preventable.

The throne, powder room, crapper, lavatory, porcelain god, the toilet. All these “fun” names in the world and yet with things go wrong with your toilet it’s the exact opposite of fun.

To some Wichitan’s having a blocked toilet can be a bit embarrassing. However, it is nothing of which to be ashamed. Toilets DO go wrong: we should know because we fix them every day of the week. And when you need plumbing services like toilet repair you need it fast. Let’s face it: how long can you last without your toilet working?

And there’s more good news! With a faulty toilet is that it is very often a simple matter to fix. We can work on any and all toilets, whether one piece or two piece and however old they may be.

Call Us For Blocked Toilets

If your toilet is blocked or clogged and is not draining any water at all, your safest bet after trying to plunge it is to call an emergency plumber. Using the wrong equipment to try to DIY on a severe toilet clog can cause further damage to your toilet. We carry the proper equipment and have the right training to handle all situations and ensure the safety of your pipe, without pushing the blockage further down into your toilets or pipes.

Perhaps It’s Time For a New Toilet

Of course, it may be that instead of a repair you have decided that it is time for a new toilet altogether. We install all different types of toilets like gravity-feed, dual-flush, wall-mounted, waterless, comfort-height, and more. We employ expert, licensed master and journeyman plumbers who ensure that your installation follows local municipal codes.

So whether you have a leaky cistern (with water at the base of the toilet), the toilet won’t flush, takes too long to fill after a flush, or it makes odd noises or constantly runs – don’t be embarrassed. Whatever the problem, reach out to us. If not fixed, a broken toilet can cause leaks or damage to your bathroom or surrounding areas. We will send one of our highly skilled plumbers out straight away, because we know that you need a toilet that works, as does everyone.

Call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for 24/7 Toilet Repairs and Installations

If your toilet overflows, we’ve got some advice on what you can do immediately – but if it keeps overflowing, give Benjamin Franklin Plumbing a call at 316-768-8374 or contact us online!