Low water pressure is one of the most common problems with residential home plumbing that homeowners experience and when it happens it can be a very frustrating ordeal. Thankfully, it is often fairly easy to diagnose and resolve problems with low water pressure. In this article we list some of the most common frequent reasons behind low water pressure and the recommendations to solving those problems.

Corrosion – Usually, if you notice low water pressure that is localized to just one particular area of the home, such as the sink or shower in a bathroom, it is usually due to corroded pipes or buildup of minerals. If you live in a much older home that also has older plumbing, pipes and faucets will deteriorate and become corroded over time, restricting the flow of water. If you think that this might be the problem, newer piping and or replacing the faucets will often fix the low water pressure problems. In other scenarios, particularly in areas that are susceptible to hard water, minerals and debris can collect within the aerator or flow restrictor.

Removing the aerator and cleaning all of its parts should free up the problem. For stubborn deposits, the parts may need to be soaked overnight in a vinegar + water solution in order to make cleaning easier. If your plumbing is prone to regular buildup and corrosion then you should contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing to learn how specialized equipment installed in your home can take care of this problem once and for all.

Water Leaks– Low water pressure can also be to a water leak. Even the smallest leak in your home’s plumbing can significantly impact the water pressure. If you think this may be the case, but you are unable to find evidence of a leak yourself then you may wish to contact a professional, such as, Benjamin Franklin Plumbing to have one of our professional and courteous plumbers inspect your home and find what is going on.

Closed Valves– Sometimes the main water valve for the home may have been turned, either by accident or intentionally, if so, it will almost certainly impact the overall water pressure coming into the home. Many homeowners overlook this possibility. If you are experiencing low water pressure, then one of the first places you should inspect is if the main water valve has been slightly turned off.

Supply Line– Some homeowners may share a supply pipe extending from the main water line. This is common in apartment and townhome complexes. If the size of the pipe is not adequate to meet the demand, low water pressure will often be a problem for homes that share lines. This is especially true during times of high water usage. If you notice your water pressure fluctuates throughout the day, and you share a supply line, then this could very well be the problem. Other problems could be weaknesses including leaks or cracks due to age or root damage.

Large vegetation, such as trees, growing nearby coupled with low water pressure could be an indicator of a potential root infiltration in the pipes. A professional plumbing company can provide a visual inspection in order to help verify what exactly the problem is and advise with what can be done to repair the problem.

While the scenarios mentioned above are some of the most common that plumbers see in the area, it is by far no means exclusively the only possibilities for low water pressure. If you, yourself, are experiencing low water pressure, and you are not sure what could be the cause behind it, then consider getting in touch with Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® of Rosenberg and allow one of our licensed, professional and courteous plumbers to take a look, diagnose the problem, and let you know the course of action that needs to be taken in order to resolve the problem once and for all.