Dishwasher Odor | Plumber Houston

It seems preposterous that a dishwasher could become dirty and develop an odor. The following explains how to clean the dishwasher, and how to keep it odor-free. If you are installing a new dishwasher, using these tips from day one can help to prevent dishwasher odor from occurring. A Benjamin Franklin plumber in Houston can provide the water hookup you require for new dishwasher installation if required.

When a dishwasher becomes smelly, it’s time to clean it. Check the seals around the door and the float. If they need cleaning, use a damp, soft toothbrush with a drop of dishwashing liquid on it. Rub gently a few times, and wipe down with a wet cloth and allow to air dry. Lift the float and check for dirt. A dirty float can result in dishwasher leakage.

  • Gently brush moldy gaskets with vinegar or lemon juice. If this fails to remove it, use a baking soda paste which is slightly abrasive and scrub gently. Rinse off with clean water, and repeat with a soft toothbrush and lemon juice or vinegar. Finish by rinsing once more, leaving the door open to dry.
  • Check the holes in the sprayer arm for blockage. Remove objects such as bits of glass with tweezers.
  • Inspect the filter for obstructions or buildup that can impair draining. An odor may come from the filter due to decomposing food particulates. Scrub with a soft brush and dishwashing liquid. Remove mineral deposits or soap scum with a soak in a vinegar-water solution.
  • The inside of the dishwasher can be washed with a cloth using deodorizing baking soda paste. Wipe off with a wet cloth and run it through a cycle to remove residue. If any odor remains to place a small amount of baking soda inside to absorb odors. When it goes through a cycle it will be harmlessly rinsed away.
  • Vinegar will clean dishwashers with a film of soap scum residue. Place a cup or two in a glass measuring cup or other heavy ceramic vessels in the top rack and run through a cycle.
  • Commercial dishwasher cleaning products are available for monthly use to keep the machine clean. However, the door seals, filter and float will still require cleaning by hand.
  • Allow the dishwasher to the air by leaving the door cracked between cycles. This promotes drying and reduces mold, mildew, and fungus, and keeps it odor-free.
  • Use the dishwasher often to prevent the pump’s seals from drying out and leakage from occurring.
  • Don’t use more than the recommended amount of dishwasher detergent. Doing so will cause soap residue on dishes and allow it to build up in the dishwasher. Soap scum is one of the factors in a home’s clogged drains, along with grease, food particulates and other debris that builds until a clog occurs, and a plumber in Houston is required for drain cleaning.
  • A cheap and effective substitute for rinse aid is vinegar. It disinfects, deodorizes and will eliminate detergent and mineral build-up, though it may not provide spotless glasses.
  • Always remove paper labels from jars to prevent clogging of the filter.
  • A number of dishwashers have a built-in hard food disposal unit, only requiring the larger food particles to be removed from the dishes. If the dishwasher does not have a disposal, thoroughly scrape off all food from the dishes to prevent a clogged filter and drain, with the latter requiring the services of a plumber in Houston.

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