If hard water is so bad for your skin and hair, can you imagine how bad it is for your plumbing system? It is your plumbing system’s worst nightmare. Hard water contains a high level of minerals such as magnesium and calcium.

Even though hard water is safe for you drain, it can leave marks on your fixtures, and cleaning them will be a hassle. Additionally, hard water leaves deposits that can seriously damage your plumbing system. You will have to resort to calling experienced plumbers in Rosenberg to inspect your plumbing system and make all the necessary repairs.

How Does Hard Water Damage Your Plumbing System?

Mineral deposits also known as scale deposits contained in hard water can clog pipes. When you heat hard water, some of it evaporates, resulting in the minerals in it to precipitate. The solidified scale or limescale then collects inside the pipes of your plumbing system, washing machine, water heater, and dishwasher. When this happens, it affects your entire plumbing system.

For instance, a few issues you will run into include malfunctioning appliances and low water pressure. Even though all types of pipes are susceptible to clogs due to hard water, some types of pipes are more susceptible to it. Scale deposits can clog these pipes either partially or completely. If you are experiencing as issue with your plumbing system due to hard water, you need to get your plumbing system checked out by professional plumbers in Rosenberg.

What Problems Does Hard Water Cause?

Here are four problems you will run into with hard water:

1.  Pipes

As previously mentioned, your pipes can fall victim to limescale buildup, resulting in poor water flow. Steel pipes are most vulnerable to this problem whereas copper and PVC are not. However, that does not mean that the less susceptible pipes will never become clogged or blocked due to hard water, they will, but not as quickly as steel pipes would.

Hard water will also result in leaks, corrosion, and premature replacement of parts in the plumbing system. You will have to schedule an appointment with qualified plumbers in Rosenberg to come to your home to look at your plumbing system, examining it for problems.

2.  Appliances

Hard water can take a toll on your appliances. When contaminated water passes through the appliance, it causes damage to it by reducing its life expectancy. The floating minerals can attach themselves to the internal components of your appliances and reduce their lifespan.

For this reason, arranging for plumbers in Rosenberg to resolve issues with your plumbing system is so important. If these issues remain unattended, you will have no choice, but to replace your broken appliances.

3.  Fixtures

Hard water can reduce the lifespan of all the toilets, water taps, and shower heads in your house. Instead of replacing these fixtures time and time again, you can call plumbers in Rosenberg to address this problem. Additionally, hard water can leave orange stains on your bathtub and removing them can be extremely difficult. However, you will want to remove them, as they do not look pleasing to the eye.

4.  Water Heaters

Hard water can also damage your water heater. When hard water interacts with the heating features of your water heater, it leads to the formation of mineral deposits. Limescale between hard water and heating features prevent water heater from heating the water.

This results in your water heater working overtime. Hard water contains mineral deposits that can significantly decrease the lifespan of your water heater by blocking the drains, valves, and other parts of your water heater.

The Solution to Eliminate Hard Water

You can prevent hard water from flowing through your plumbing system by installing either a reverse osmosis water treatment system or water softener. You can ask plumbers in Rosenberg to visit your home to install your chosen your system.

A reverse osmosis water treatment system removes impurities from your water via a semipermeable membrane. Its microscopic filter collects all types of substances, including hard minerals. A water softener, on the other hand, is a tank placed between your source of water and internal plumbing system that provides water to your home.

Inside the tank, you will find a softening medium mixed in a saltwater solution. When water goes through the water softener, the hard minerals exchange places with the sodium in the softening medium via a process called ion exchange. Before water can reach your faucets and appliances, it removes the minerals from them, so you can have clean and fresh water.

However, out of the two, a reverse osmosis water treatment system is more expensive, but in the end, it will be worthwhile. In the end, it is your choice on the type of solution you want to install to eliminate hard water. Once you have decided on a solution, you can call plumbers in Rosenberg to come and install it in your home.

Your Plumber Can Help You Decide on the Type of Hard Water Treatment Solution You Should Install in Your Home

If you are unsure on the type of hard water treatment solution you need to install, schedule a consultation with plumbers in Rosenberg. Your plumber will consider the following factors before recommending you a solution to eliminate hard water from your plumbing system:

  • The exact hardness of your water by measuring the grains per gallon or parts per million.
  • The size of your household and the amount of water all of you use on average. If you use a lot of hot water, there is a high chance of you dealing with hard water.
  • Plumbers in Rosenberg will examine all the appliances in your home to determine which one will likely experience the most damage due to hard water.

You need to contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® of Rosenberg if your plumbing system is acting up, as it may be due to hard water running through your pipes. They will send their certified plumbers in Rosenberg to your house.