The long term weather forecast says that it is going to be a very hot summer in Derby, Kansas, but if your water heater goes awol, and needs repair, it doesn’t mean that you will be happy showering in cold water.

Quite the opposite in fact. We don’t know of many people who would shower in cold water, even on the hottest day, and as for doing the washing up or laundry there are even fewer. Washing up greasy plates in cold water? Really? Let’s get real.

If that water heater is really causing problems and you need water heater repair in Derby, KS, don’t leave it a moment longer. Call Ben Franklin and we will get it fixed.

Does it take a long time for the hot water to get to your faucet? All the while it is not hot enough you are simply pouring water – and more importantly money – down the drain. We have a solution for that, and it is a hot water recirculating system which will fix the problem and insure that you don’t waste water.

Past Its’ Sell-By Date?

Maybe your water heater is old and past its’ sell-by date. Believe it or not, water heaters don’t last forever. In fact, if yours is more than twenty years old it is probably getting to the end of its’ life. So you may not need water heater repair in Derby, KS, but rather need water heater replacement.

At Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® of Wichita we can install conventional tank-type water heaters which work on electric, natural gas, or propane in all sizes to suit any home, and which can be guaranteed for up to your lifetime, which means you’ll never need another one ever again.

In addition, we can supply tankless water heaters which can cover the whole house or just point of use, and which can be half the cost of traditional tank water heaters. These also have a design life of 20 – 30 years, and a big plus is that they hang on the wall so they don’t take up any floor space. You could literally shower all day – not that you would probably want to – and you still can’t run out of hot water.

We can also install hot water dispensers which are usually fitted to your kitchen sink. These supply instant hot water up to 190° which means that when you want a cup of coffee or tea you don’t have to wait for the kettle to boil. Just turn it on and you’ve got it!

Whatever you need in the way of water heating in your home, whether it’s water heater repair in Derby, KS, or a completely new system, at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® of Wichita we’ve got you covered.