Saving energy and money is important and plumbing can be a real money sucker. One of the first things people think of when trying to cut down energy costs related to their plumbing is their water heater.

But it’s possible to cut costs without using your water heater’s thermostat to do it:

  • Use less hot water. Take shorter showers and favor the dishwasher over hand-washing, which usually uses more water.
  • Insulate your hot water heater and pipes. There are easy-to-install pieces of insulation that are pre-cut for these purposes, so this may be an afternoon DIY project.
  • Replace your water heater. The average water heater lasts 8 to 12 years, and that’s if it’s properly maintained. Water heaters that are older or overdue for maintenance could be far less efficient than they were on day one. When shopping for a replacement, look for one that meets the voluntary efficiency standards of the ENERGY STAR program.

Your Water Heater

The water heater is one of the biggest energy consuming appliances in most homes, so if you’re looking for a place to cut back on energy costs, it’s a good place to start. But before you dial back your water heater’s thermostat a few degrees, there are a few things to think about.

Set the temperature too low, and you could turn your water heater into a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. Set it too high, and you could be setting yourself up for a scalding accident.

The lowest your water heater temperature can go is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the preset thermostat temperature in most new water heaters, and it’s the recommended setting of the U.S. Department of Energy.

Local and Residential Professional Plumbing Service

When you have a plumbing problem, you depend on the professionals to handle it well, so it’s properly taken care of. But you don’t want to drain your savings, either. That’s when you should call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing. Each of our locations hires plumbers who are invested in helping their customers find the best solutions at affordable prices.

Our customers love us – realizing that we’re true experts in the industry who care. They join our Ben Franklin Society™ for annual safety inspections, leak checks, and water heater tune-ups for extra security because they trust that we’ll catch minor issues before they become big problems.

Call your local Benjamin Franklin today. Contact us today at (316) 768-8374