C’mon now! When did you last think about your drains in Wichita? Yeah, right, we thought so. As if you would.

Nobody thinks about their drains. Do you know anyone who has sleepless nights worrying about their drains? They are just “there” like your roof shingles. You never give them a moment’s thought.

Until they go wrong.

Suddenly your shower won’t drain. Or your sink won’t empty. Or worse, you flush your toilet only to find that not only will it not clear away, but in the worst instance, the water may actually come over the top! Suddenly, from not giving them a second thought, your drains/sewer is the biggest problem you have ever had in your life and you need it sorted out NOW!

The #1 Wichita Drain Cleaning Company

Fortunately, Ben Franklin is the #1 company for drain cleaning in Wichita, and most importantly we are always here when you need us. Yes, we are open for business 24/7/365, so if that shower won’t drain at 11.00 pm you only have to call us, and we’ll be on our way. There’s no need to boot up your laptop and start searching for a plumbing company to help you because all you need to do is to make that phone call to us.

We can handle any sort of drain cleaning issue that you may have. Quite often, the problem is tree roots. Lots of people have trees in their yard and the fact is that trees do drink a lot of water. Where is there a lot of water? Flowing through your drains – several times a day. There only has to be a very small leak in your drainage system for water to get out into the soil surrounding it. Your friendly tree senses that the soil is damp and there is water there, and promptly sends its’ roots over to investigate. Those roots will start to climb into the hole in your drainpipe and have a lovely drink every time you empty the sink, take a shower, or whatever.

Your tree is loving this, but you don’t even know it’s happening, because you are not thinking about your drains, remember? The only time you realize that you might need drain cleaning in Wichita is when the water drains away slowly or won’t drain at all.

No problem. Whatever the issue, as the foremost company for drain cleaning in Wichita we can sort it for you. We have every piece of equipment that could ever be needed on our trucks, and we know how to deal with tree roots too. When we have fixed it, you can go right back to never giving your drains another thought.