Summer is known as the peak season for moving as families and individuals embark on new adventures and relocate to different homes within the city. It's essential to ensure a smooth transition, including taking care of your plumbing needs.

In this blog, we will provide valuable tips and insights to help Wichita residents navigate their move while keeping their plumbing system in optimal condition.

  1. Schedule a Plumbing Inspection:

Before moving into your new home, consider scheduling a professional plumbing inspection. An experienced plumber can assess the condition of the plumbing system, identify any potential issues, and provide necessary repairs or maintenance. This proactive approach ensures that you start your new chapter with confidence, knowing that your plumbing is in excellent shape.

  1. Update Plumbing Fixtures:

If your new home is a resale property, you might want to consider updating outdated plumbing fixtures. Swapping old faucets, showerheads, and toilets with modern, water-efficient options not only enhances the aesthetics of your new space but also helps you save on water bills. Additionally, upgrading to low-flow fixtures contributes to water conservation efforts, which are particularly crucial in areas like Wichita where water resources may be limited.

  1. Locate and Learn Your Shut-Off Valves:

Familiarize yourself with the location of shut-off valves in your new home. In case of a plumbing emergency, such as a burst pipe or a major leak, knowing how to quickly shut off the water supply can minimize damage and prevent costly repairs. Locate the main shut-off valve as well as individual shut-off valves for toilets, sinks, and appliances. Keep in mind that valves can differ in appearance and location, so it's important to identify them beforehand.

  1. Check for Leaks and Drips:

Inspect all faucets, toilets, and pipes for any leaks or drips. Even small leaks can waste significant amounts of water and increase your utility bills over time. Address any issues promptly by replacing faulty washers, seals, or pipes. By addressing leaks early on, you not only save money but also contribute to water conservation efforts in Wichita.

  1. Plan for Appliance Installation:

If your move involves bringing or purchasing new appliances, ensure that proper plumbing connections are in place before their installation. Whether it's a refrigerator with a water dispenser, a dishwasher, or a washing machine, having the necessary plumbing lines and connections ready will simplify the process. Consult with a professional plumber to ensure correct installation and avoid potential leaks or damage.

  1. Update Your Address with Utility Companies:

Don't forget to update your address with the utility companies providing your water and sewage services. Inform them of your move and provide the necessary details to ensure a seamless transfer of service. This step helps avoid any billing confusion and ensures that you continue to receive uninterrupted plumbing services in your new home.

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing can help with a smoother move:

Moving to a new home is an exciting endeavor, and with the help of Benjamin Franklin plumbers, Wichita residents can have a smoother and more efficient process. By scheduling a plumbing inspection, familiarizing yourself with shut-off valves, checking for leaks and more, you can ensure a hassle-free transition while prioritizing the integrity and functionality of your plumbing system. Here's to a successful and stress-free move to your new Wichita home!

Reach out to Benjamin Franklin Plumbing at (316) 768-8374 or book an appointment online.