Improving your home plumbing system might not be the most exciting thing in the world, but it could save you money and provide you with peace of mind. Here are five plumbing maintenance tips that you need to know about this year.

BF-Tech Shower Drain 770X 435

1. Fix Leaky Faucets and Shower Heads

Leaky faucets and showerheads aren't just a nuisance – they could be costing you more money on your bills. Fix this problem by replacing the rubber washers on these items. Washers are cheap enough to buy and could save you money in the long run.

2. Keep Pipes Clear of Debris

If the water takes a long time to drain down the sink, there could be a build-up of debris in your pipes. Dirt, dust, grime -- all of this nasty stuff can cause serious damage to your water system. There is a solution, though. Use a combination of baking soda and hot water to clean out your pipes. If this doesn't work, consult with a professional to unclog your plumbing system properly.

To keep your pipes working smoothly in the future, pour boiling water down your sink twice a month in order to break down food waste.

3. Invest in Regular Plumbing Maintenance

There are some plumbing jobs that you can't do yourself. This is why it's a good idea to invest in plumbing maintenance on a regular basis. Hiring a professional plumber like Benjamin Franklin will save you money and improve the lifespan of your water supply system, plus you can identify problems before they get worse. You can even take out a protection plan, which will cover the cost of service call fees and provide you with savings on some repairs and incentives like routine inspections. Just pay once a month!

4. Reduce Tap Water Time

Turning off the faucet when brushing your teeth, or filling up your kettle with less water will not only save you money on your water bills but improve water efficiency in your home. You can even fill up your sink with soapy water and wash all of your dishes at once rather than leaving the tap running.

5. Watch What You Pour Down the Drain

Flour, grease, eggshells – these are just some of the things people pour down their sink. The problem is, items like these will block your drains and cause problems with your water supply. Put these items in a waste bin, instead!

Follow the five steps on this list and improve your household plumbing system in 2020. Looking for a professional plumber that will provide you with peace of mind? Contact Benjamin Franklin Plumbing today and find out more about their value-for-money protection plans.