We all know that a relaxing shower can make a world of difference in our day, but what happens when your shower won't turn off? Not only can this lead to wasted water and higher bills, but it can also cause significant damage to your home.


Recognizing the Signs of Trouble

A shower that won't turn off can be a frustrating and even costly problem for homeowners. It can lead to wasted water and high utility bills. But it is something that has easy-to-spot causes and solutions that you can do to get your shower working properly again.


But before attempting any repairs, it’s important to identify the root cause of the problem.


Causes of a Shower That Won't Turn Off

Here are some potential causes of a shower that won't turn off:

  • Malfunctioning Shower Valve

  • Worn-Out Rubber Washer

  • Sediment Buildup


Malfunctioning Shower Valve

Shower valves don’t last forever. Valve seals can wear out and cause leaks over time, causing the bearings to break down. A malfunctioning shower valve can cause water temperature changes, and it could cause your shower to stay on even if you turned it off.


Worn-out Rubber Washer

Washers on the shower valve get crushed every time you turn the knob on your shower. As a result, they wear out. When that happens, it can cause dripping and leaking, and, yes, it can affect the valve's ability to turn off. Be sure to have your washers replaced often.


Sediment Buildup

Sediment buildup can accumulate in your shower valve, which can prevent it from turning off. This is especially the case if you have “hard” water.


Stay Calm!

The first thing you should do when your shower won't turn off is to remain calm. Panicking will only make matters worse. Locate the main water shut-off valve in your home, and turn it off to stop the flow of water. This valve is typically found in basements, crawl spaces, or near the water meter.


Shutting off the main water valve will prevent any further water damage and make it easier for you to work on the problem.


Solutions for a Shower that Won’t Turn Off

After getting yourself together and locating the main water shut-off valve, here are things to do if your shower will not turn off:

  • Replace the Shower Valve

  • Replace the Rubber Washers

  • Clean the Shower Valve

  • Contact a Professional


Replace the Shower Valve

If your shower valve is malfunctioning, you may need to simply tighten it. Worse, you may need to replace the valve or the entire shower faucet.


Replace the Rubber Washers

If the washers in your shower faucet are worn out, you can replace them with new ones to restore the valve's ability to turn off. Replace a worn-out rubber washer by unscrewing the shower handle, removing the old washer, and installing a new one.


Clean the Shower Valve

If sediment buildup prevents your shower valve from turning off, you can clean the valve using a solution of equal parts vinegar and water.


Contact a Professional

If you're unsure about the cause of your shower that won't turn off, or if you're unable to fix the issue yourself, it's best to contact a professional plumber to diagnose and repair the issue.


What a Professional Plumber Can Do for You

Some jobs are too big even if you have a solid understanding of plumbing and some best practices tactics for your problem. That’s where a professional plumber step in and offers a few benefits.


Here is what a pro can do for you:



Professional plumbers have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and repair any plumbing issue, including problems with your shower that won't turn off.



Hiring a professional plumber can save you time and effort, as they have the tools and equipment to diagnose and repair the issue quickly.


Peace of Mind

With professional plumbing services, you can know that your plumbing problem has been properly diagnosed and repaired, reducing the risk of future issues.


Ben Franklin: Reliable and Efficient Plumbing Services

At Ben Franklin Plumbing, we understand the inconvenience of plumbing problems, which is why we offer reliable and efficient plumbing services. Our experienced team of plumbers is equipped with the latest tools and techniques to diagnose and repair any plumbing issue you may have, including problems with your shower.

If you have specific plumbing needs or questions about your plumbing, your local Benjamin Franklin Plumbing is here to help! Give us a call at 1-877-BEN-1776, or contact us online.