Water damage in your home can be severe and extremely costly. A small leak can turn into a flood in a matter of minutes, resulting in damage to floors, walls, framing, foundation damage and ruined furnishings. Being proactive and contacting a licensed plumber for water line repair in Houston when you spot a small leak can prevent thousands, or even tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage to your home. In addition, every homeowner should know how to shut off water when a leak occurs.

Locate the Main Shut-Off Valve

Know where your home’s main water shut off valve is and ensure it works before you need it. In addition, it is wise to ensure all family members know where it is located and how to use it. The ability to turn the water off when a leak occurs saves money on the water bill and prevents additional damages from occurring while you wait for a plumber to provide water line repair in Houston.

First, it should be stated that when your home has its own water meter there will be a shut off lever, or valve on the meter. When a shut off valve inside the home is seized and fails, the water can be turned off at the meter. In addition to the meter, homes often have a main shut-off valve located where the water enters the home wither in the basement, or outside the foundation where the water enters the home. In some areas of the country, condominiums and apartments and town homes, a shut off valve may be located near the water heater, water filtration system or water softener on the main incoming water supply. Take a few minutes to locate it now, rather than waiting until your home is flooded.

Ideally, your home will have shut off valves located near the fixtures. Look for them behind toilets, under sinks, at your washing machine, and they may be behind plumbing access panels for showers and tubs. These valves, and the main shut off valve do require ‘exercising’ ideally every 6 months to ensure they don’t seize up and will function when you need them. Ensuring they work properly will enable you to shut off the water when a problem occurs at the fixture without affecting the entire household. A Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® of Rosenberg in Houston can install individual shut off valves for you.

A common sign of a water leak is a stream of water. However, observing water running on the lawn does not necessarily mean you have a water leak. It is possible the leak is from a neighboring home. Other potential signs of a leak include the sound of running water, damage, and low water pressure. Contact a licensed plumber to confirm the source of the leak, and to provide water line repair in Houston.

Keep Emergency Phone Numbers Handy

If you are unable to locate the main shut off valve, your plumber can show you where all valves are located and how to shut off water during a routine service call. When a leak occurs and you have turned off the water, contact a licensed plumbing professional to provide water line repair in Houston right away. It is a good idea to keep a list of emergency contacts accessible, including your plumber.  Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® of Rosenberg is available for emergency plumbing services, including water line repair in Houston any time, day or night 24/7. Our plumbers in Houston serve Houston, Katy, Sugar Land and the surrounding areas. Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® of Rosenberg is a member of the BBB with an A+ rating.