Sometimes, working with pipes can be a nasty business, especially when it comes to your bathroom toilet plumbing. When it's time to replace your toilet, removing the old throne from its privileged spot in the bathroom can be a bit unpleasant. However, it's also a relatively simple job, one that you should be able to complete yourself without calling a plumber. Read on for tips on how to get an old toilet out of the bathroom without making a horrific mess.

The Final Flushes

The first thing you need to do before you pull out the old toilet is to turn the water off. In most cases, you can shut a valve on its supply line so you don't have to bother shutting down the water to the entire home. Next, once the water is off, flush the toilet so the tank empties out. If any residual water remains inside, mop it out.

Once the tank is relatively dry, you can disconnect the supply line – most toilets require a wrench for this step. Next, if there's any water left in the bowl, suck it out with a wet-dry vac. Alternatively, you can use a sponge to remove the remaining water if you're willing to stick your hand in the bowl. Once all the water is gone and the bathroom toilet plumbing is completely disconnected, you're ready to start the physical removal process.

Saying Goodbye

To actually get the toilet out of the bathroom, you need to unbolt it from the floor first, which can be difficult if it's been in place for years and the bolts have become rusted or stuck in place. Try a wrench, but if that doesn't work, you can always just hacksaw the bolts apart since you'll be getting replacements with the new piece of equipment anyway. Some toilets allow you to unbolt the tank from the toilet bowl, which can be equally challenging but will make it easier to carry the pieces away when you're finished. After all, toilets are heavy.

Finally, with the bolts out of the way, start rocking the toilet until it comes free of the wax ring on the floor. Don't rock too vigorously, or you may shake out some water that remains hidden in the bathroom toilet plumbing – not a pleasant outcome. When it is loose, you can haul it away, and all that's left is to take the wax ring out of the floor and clean up any mess or residue. If you aren't immediately prepared to do a new toilet installation, it's also a good idea to put a rag or cover on the exposed soil pipe so nasty sewer gases don't flow up into the bathroom.

Proven Experts at Bathroom Plumbing

Sometimes, when you're DIYing a repair, things get out of hand. You might not be able to free the toilet from its base, or you could break the top of the soil pipe during the removal process. If that's the case, you may need a professional to come bail you out. When you do need help with your bathroom toilet plumbing, have a licensed plumber come lend a hand. Contact us today at 1-888-BEN-1776.